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Corporate Responsibility


In 2010 SIK-Holz® was successfully tested for its operational environmental impact; the company was awarded the ‘Brandenburg Environmental Seal in Crafts’. This framework describes a functioning environmental management system in which all operational processes are regularly subjected to an environmental impact assessment. For example we obtain electricity from Elektrizitätswerke Schönau produced from renewable energy sources; we only use recycled paper; and we do not use any disposable items of any kind. For the manufacture of our playground equipment, we almost exclusively use black locust wood from sustainably managed forests in Germany. We can offer customers our products with an FSC® or PEFC certificate on request. We reuse our wood waste for the company’s own heating or as firewood. Thanks to the good properties of black locust, our play equipment has a very long service life and therefore a very good energy balance when properly maintained. We recommend the renovation or upcycling of our playgrounds and offer these services on request.


Residual woods are offered in lattice boxes as firewood

FSC-wood yard

For in-house transports cargo bicycles are used

Example playship «Dau» in Berlin-Hasenheide – rehabilitated after 14 years

Example playground in Brühl – rehabilitated after 14 years


Between 1998 and 2016 SIK-Holz sponsored the construction of 16 Rainbow Playgrounds across the globe, particularly in countries often divided by conflict. In workshops under the guidance of Klaus-Peter Gust, young people travelling from different countries spent several weeks building playgrounds in the form of a rainbow. These rainbows represent hope and reconciliation in places otherwise defined by separation and destruction. Many participants across the globe are still connected today. Some rainbows have found local sponsors and have been restored. Playgrounds can build bridges and connect us to other people and cultures.

Throughout the country we support many social and cultural projects with financial sponsorship and donations of material. For years we have been providing an intensive sponsorship for one class of 3rd-6graders in our community’s primary school. We are committed to specific projects in collaboration of refugee aid organisations. Through our company we strengthen the development and opportunities in rural areas. We are active members of organisations, standards committees and networks which promote the education of children and improve the designs of living environments.


Project «Rainbow» in the Berlin Mauerpark

Project «Circle of values» in Premnitz

World play day with ark and radio «Teddy» in Jüterbog

Our sponsor class - the 3rd class of the Lindenschule Jüterbog

Birdhouses build with school class

Build benches with refugees

Project «City of flowers» with der Jüterboger refugee aid

Project «City of flowers» with der Jüterboger refugee aid
