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The stuff children’s dreams are made of

Since last year, the new playground «Alte Weberei» on the old site of a fabric factory in Helmbrechts has been well-received and crowded. Thematically, the path of the fabrics we wear daily is playfully traced in the devices made of robinia wood.

Cheerful sheep with thick wool welcome visitors and form the beginning of the playground. On the woolly companions, children can play to their heart’s content and hop imaginatively with them over green meadows. The wool obtained from the sheep undergoes the essential step of cleaning and processing, which is vividly represented by a water play area. On particularly hot summer days, this part of the facility is very popular, as children can experience the cool water as a playful element under the warming sun.

The elevation profile of the play landscape gradually develops starting from a low rope course, on whose posts colorful balls of wool rest. These were previously spun into fine yarn on the spinning wheel. The ropes, winding like fine thread between the posts of the climbing landscape, show the process of interweaving threads into diverse fabrics. Brave adventurers who skillfully dance over the ropes can experience the process of fabric formation up close.

The factory, taking the shape of the wall behind it, represents the industrial part of textile production and modernity. On several floors, children can explore, climb, and dream. The continuously growing climbing units challenge even the less vertigo-resistant explorers.

The last stop before the top of the elevation profile is the dyeing manufactory with its colorful roof. At more than five meters in height, lovingly carved laundry dries on the line and is literally woven into the fabric from which children’s dreams are made. Pants, T-shirts, and shorts connect the highest climbing towers and guide the way to the playground from a distance. The winding tube slide is the reward for the demanding climb to the top and offers adrenaline kicks for the little guests of the play oasis. Alternatively, there is a high-speed descent via the slide or, for double climbing fun, the way back to the dyeing manufactory.

In addition to the playground, new cafes and other leisure facilities have been built on the «Alte Weberei» site to create a space for everyone, so that not only children would like to explore this place.

SIK-Holz® wishes you a lot of fun climbing, playing, and dreaming.