Playground Shoppingcenter
Increasing numbers of commercial clients are discovering the advantages providing play facilities for their customers. It is no longer merely local authorities, housing associations or leisure industries, who construct playgrounds; larger shopping centres also want to make a shopping trip attractive and exiting for their little clientele and are now offering more than just indoor play corners but also outdoor facilities.
In 2016 SIK-Holz® built in collaboration with Kompan France two play sites for Eurocommercial shopping centre in Chasse-sur-Rhone. Eurocommercial is now one of the most successful property investment concerns in Europe, with a portfolio of shopping centres in France, Italy and Sweden.
The invitation to tender for the construction of the play facility in Chasse-sur-Rhone specified only that a play area for children aged 2–6 years and another for children aged 6–12 years was to be developed on the available site. The investor was suitably impressed by the design and colours of the proposed structure incorporating giant acorns as cabins. Children can use the structure for climbing, sliding and playing hide-and-seek while their parents are shopping.