A place to play and learn
Playing and learning are inextricably linked. While playing children acquire skills that will help them to assert themselves as adult people. They obtain three-dimensional, physical and mathematical knowledge, strengthen their social skills and can pursue their natural needs for movement.
But playgrounds can be much more in special contexts. They have the potential to communicate specific knowledge. Especially in connection with educational concepts, it is possible to convey and deepen information on specially designed playgrounds.
A good example is the new playground at »Schloss Doberlug«. For the new playground ideas were collected and implemented together with the museum’s pedagogues during the planning phase. The aim was to expand the learning opportunities and integrate them into the tours. In combination with the museum, information on the flora and fauna of the region, the various biotopes and the interaction between humans and the environment can be conveyed. Learning points motivate the children to participate. Playful learning brings the world to life. The children can keep it longer what is being told. They even pass it on to friends and family when they visit the playground again, which is open to the public at any time.
Such play areas are an interesting addition to museums, schools, day-care centers and similar institutions. Funding of such educational projects for children can support the planning and implementation of these playgrounds. The playground in Doberlug was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the »Modellvorhaben Landesaufschwung«.
Our film shows which ideas can flow into such a concept and perhaps opens the door for further projects of this type with increased learning requirements.
Click here to watch the video