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LAGA Beelitz, more than just asparagus

On April 14th, the Brandenburg Garden Show 2022 in Beelitz has opened it’s gates for visitors. SIK-Holz® accepted the challenge to design the play areas planned for this great event. With our play equipment made of natural robinia wood we were able to design different spaces of joy and ensure lively visitor interest. One of the design tasks was the inclusion of older play structures into the new concept. This way, well-preserved components could be reintroduced and used again sustainably.


New ideas and concepts were also developed especially for the LAGA (garden show). The main focus of the design was to offer a maximum of pleasure for the residents and visitors of Beelitz. Thus, the region is also enriched in terms of tourism. Long before the official opening of the playground, there was great interest in the resulting equipment, which reflects that our goals have been achieved. With a variety of playing ideas, everyone will find the right thing without feeling bored. A ten meter high slide tower forms the center of this diverse play landscape. Designed as a bunch of white asparagus, it invites the visitor to come closer. A playing landscape spreads out around it, which appeals to a wide variety of skills. Whether big or small, old or young, with or without disabilities, everyone is involved in the game. Climbing, swinging, see-sawing, sliding, turning, jumping, doing sports, diving into fantasy worlds, everything is available. But not only asparagus was staged thematically. Other special features of the city of Beelitz should also be included in the design. Historically, the city has been a Slavic settlement. Their origin is based on those and therefore cultural elements of the Slavs have found their way into the design of both the toddler and the sports area. In addition, there is a little herbalism on the swing pergola to discover with its many different swing options. When it comes to music, visitors may explore the adjoining playgrounds. There are also balancing structures and sculptures, that simply blend in with the environment in their naturalness. These can be found at various points on the LAGA site. Because it is hard to put all the things in words that could be seen at the LAGA in Beelitz, wesuggest to visit it and get your very own impression of our play structures and all the other interesting things to see there. Enjoy!